For P NATION's Dawn

Streaming guides


Naver TV


Embedded streaming

Disclaimer : this may slow down your connection. It's important that you keep this tab open while the videos are streaming and don't switch to another page until all are done.

YouTube recognises views from embedded videos on external sites as organic views. This page will contain both DAWN's latest MV and his M Countdown stages with each comeback.

How To:

  • Play as many videos your connection can take at once

  • Make sure the quality is at least 480p

  • Mute the tab (or lower the volume of the videos to 50%)

  • Play all videos till the end

  • Wait around 10 minutes before repeating the action

  • Do not refresh the page, instead open a new tab

Switch between embedded and manual streaming. It's important not to repeat it too much to avoid looking like a bot to YouTube

Other embedded streaming pages:

Get to know dawn


